Over the past few weeks, you may have seen New Years resolutions being lambasted on social media.
“You shouldn’t need a special day to change”
“You’ll last for 2 weeks…”
The general consensus is New Years resolutions are dumb — they don’t work, and they’re for weak people who require a unique day to change.
I don’t believe this sentiment at all.
Sure, there are plenty of people who bail on their New Years resolutions.
People who will be out of the gym come February and completely back to their old habits in a few weeks…
But there are also people who use the momentum of New Years to make a lasting change.
I came across a couple tweets from such people this week and thought I’d share.
This is a great story from a guy who quit drinking on New Years 13 years ago. He was an alcoholic at the time, now he’s a father and in fantastic shape.
This is one of the top fitness coaches on X — he began his fitness journey by a New Years resolution to start going to the gym. It’s completely transformed his life in multiple ways.
The negative nellies who hate on resolutions focus on the people who don’t achieve their New Years resolutions, and they have studies to back this up.
But if you do have resolutions this year — if you hear a voice telling you it’s time to make a serious change for the better and that now is the time — don’t let the naysayers make you feel stupid about it.
There are moments in life that make it easier to genuinely turn over a new leaf.
Moments when we can more easily embrace the challenge of becoming a better person (whatever that might mean).
Birthdays, anniversaries, significant events in our lives.
And the start of a new year (especially when it’s 2025!) is one of those moments.
You could be back to exactly where you were in a few weeks.
Or, in a decade, you could be sharing the story of how 2025 was the year that you finally did X.
Stopped doing Y.
And used the new year momentum to make a lasting change.
People have done it.
So can you.
So hears to your not dumb New Years resolutions — may 2025 be the year that you become the healthiest version of yourself, ditch the habits that don’t serve you, and commit to that project that you’ve been ruminating on.
Happy New Year!
- Colin